
Hello Dear user
In order to participate in recitation of noble Quran and receive its spiritual rewards, you are supposed to register at first.
Before registration, please determine which group you prefer to participate in:
First group: Receiving10 verses and reciting them every night
Second group: Receiving 1 up to 4hizbs and reciting them just once during a week.
Third group: Receiving 1 page and reciting it every night

FIRST GROUP (10verses every night)

You are supposed to recite first 10 verses allocated to you by website at the night of registration.
Tomorrow night, recite next 10 verses and continue respectively.

Attention: Reciting last 10 verses of Quran, users should recite remained 6 verses i.e. chapter Nas, too. Then recite first 10 verses of Quran until arriving to the chapter and verse which was allocated to you at the registration day.

By this method, you participate in complete recitation of noble Quran accompanied by other users every night .in addition you ,by your own, recite Quran completely after about 21 months and have participated in 623 complete recitation of Quran.

Example: if verses 14 to 23 of chapter Baghareh were allocated to you for the first night, you are to recite 24 to 33 for the second night.

Ayat 14 till 23 of Baqarah

First night

Ayat 24 till 33 of Baqarah

Second night

Ayat 34 till 43 of Baqarah

Third night

And so on…
To facilitate your daily recitation, look at Noble Quran listed in 10 verse categories here. (Download as ZIP file).

*users can refer to user’s report in Main page or specified page for user’s report, in case they’ve forgotten verses allocated to them.

SECOND GROUP (1 up to 4 hizbs just once)
Filling the registration form, you choose to recite 1 up to 4 hizbs. Deadline for recitation of allocated hizbs by website is One week.

In this method, you recite 1 to 4 hizbs, just once. Obviously, after completing your recitation, you can register again.

For organizing users and facilitating of recitation, look at list of 120 hizbs at here.
(Download as ZIP file).

THIRD GROUP (1 page every night)

You are supposed to recite the page of Osman-Taha Quran allocated to you by website at the night of registration.

Tomorrow night, recite the next page and continue respectively.

By this method, you participate in complete recitation of Noble Quran accompanied by other users every night. In addition you, by your own, recite Quran completely after about 20 months and have participated in 604 complete recitation of Quran.

*users can report to user’s report, in case they’ve forgotten the page allocated to them.
To register, click here.

*To participate in recitation to Martyrs or Dead one’s advantage, click here to register.

In case you are unable to keep on reciting, you can refer to STOP page.

For register click here